What’s Our Deal?

What’s Our Deal?

In 2005, Joe Parsons moved back to Austin from Boston (rhymes are gross) with a jones to do some sketch comedy. Inspired by all the typical comedy nerd influences, Joe enlisted two of his best improv buddies Ben Bartley and Scott Chester and set out to create a show unique to the Austin comedy scene, one that blended live and video vignettes in the style of Monty Python and Mr. Show (see? typical nerds). STAG! debuted their first show at the Hideout Theatre in January, 2006 (actual date lost to time). Despite a severe ice storm, every seat in the house was full. It didn’t hurt “sales” that they were giving away free beer and charging zero dollars for admission.

Video Promos

Video Promos

Here is a collection of promotional videos for shows, festivals, etc. Some people have said our promos are better than the actual shows. Don’t believe those people. They have the attention spans of gnats and a compete lack of interest in life’s true joys. I mean, if you like these videos, great, but if you like them too much and shoot your mouth off about it, you might be a total wasteoid. Does that make sense? It better.

Show Posters

Show Posters

When it comes to marketing your barely rehearsed sketch comedy show, the name of the game is “fake it til you make it”. And nothing makes a sticky nickel look more like a million bucks than a fancy show poster. Rubes see those fancy graphics and think they’re going to see millionaire comedians say catchphrases from popular movies. By the time they get wise, we’ve already spent their admission fee on more posters. Let the circle be unbroken!
